CTV 960k Human

12000 (2 FAME)
No change

Chaos Chosen CTV 1000k
#3 Romeo – Smashed Hand (MNG)
#5 Vatsyayana – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#8 Hugh Hefner – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Ron Jeremy – Dead (RIP)
#6 Vyp Charos – Dead (RIP)
#9 Dan Glykhan – Dead (RIP)
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first HTime : ball for the humans team, who begin very well doing 2 deads on 2 first turns, and pickup ball at 1st turn seems to master game but...
Slowly, chaos are waking up and do a 3rd dead and blitzing again and blocking again they can also prevent humans to perf a td in 1st HT.
2nd HT : Ball for beast and 9 players vs 8 humans, they can pickup ball, and instead of a good defnse about humans, 1 by 1 all humans about 1 are either on crowd are injured, and finally chaos can perf td.
Thanks to both team for their courageous match.