CTV 940k+150k Ogre

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wandering apothecary
Chaos Dwarf CTV 1130k

11000 (2 FAME)

#10 Stomd – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#11 Zoserb – Dead (RIP)
#14 Knapt – Dead (RIP)
#7 "Chief" Garibaldi – Broken Neck (-AG)
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« DOOOOOOOOM !!! » they answered
« Because… this… is… ZHAAR !!! ZHAAR ! ZHAAR ! ZHAAR DOOM BRINGERS !!! »
Then a thin hobgoblin spoke. [hurl=https://fumbbl.com/p/player?player_id=10617724] »Drudge » Cotto » was the loyal servant of Mollari, doing all his dirty work.
« And how do we managed such a great start ? By training a lot. By ourselves. We got the draw against some experienced orcs then two victories. And we did all by ourselves, without a proper coaching, didn't we ? So why do we need a coach ? All we need is a captain and we can keep all the money and not only 60 %... »
« And who would be that captain ? » asked, angrily, »Chief » Mollari. The chaos dwarf was wounded and couldn't do much to stop this. Still he tried.
« Well... » begun Cotto. All the hobgoblins were looking at the centaur, even two dwarves. He had done his job between games, this should only be the official declaration of leadership. But he didn't finished his phrase. His eyes widened and he stood there, speechless.
All his teamates looked behind us to sse what had interrupted the hobgoblin. Lil Garamar, their coach, was there, an agry look on his twisted face. Behind it stood an other Bull Centaur, one they all knew.
« Well... » said ironicaly the new centaur. « wouldn't that be our dear Mollari of the Centauri Clan ? Are you already needing an hobgoblin to do your politics Mollari ? How disgracefull ... »
« How dare you ? » roared Mollari. « This isn't my doing ! You can't prove anything ! They are just legitimately rewarding my performances ! It's not as if you could captain anything beside your filthy Narn Clan a... »
« ENOUGH ! » screamed the coach before the dispute could go out of control. « None of you is fit to be a captain. You'll be good players, but we need a reasonable voice. And that will be... »
He searched within the dwarves ranks and stoped upon the tallest of them all.
« Sinclair ! Come over here. Take those bracers i made for you. They will increase your force so those two idiots wont bother you in a fight. »
The dwarf calmly accepted the gift and the leadership.
« Our coach may not train us. He is no usual coach, that's for sure. But remember where we were before he came ! We were the shame of our leagues. No chaos dwarves team wanted us. Only him invented us those artefacts to make us stronger, strong enough to compete. We'll continue training ourselves, even harder than before. And Lil Garamar will give us the mean to our glory. »
The dwarves and G'Kar, the new centaur, screamed in answer, soon rejoin by the hobgoblins. Mollari screamed too, but it wa easy to see he was not pleased. Still there was nothing he could do… exept punching Cotto, wich he did. A lot. ”