CTV 1680k+50k Dwarf

16000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Nurgle CTV 1700k


#3 Dgal Tormalk III – Groin Strain (MNG)
#8 Darili Balest Jr – Dead (RIP)
#16 Volandovoy – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1st half the nurgle team scores in 4 turns or so, getting a nice pass to get the TD. Then I made a valiant effort to score, failing the catch (or the throw, not sure which) into the EZ on turn 8. I had KO'd 3 of them, and had suffered one KO myself...and all 3 of their gusy come back, while mine does not..
2nd half a couple of excellent turns saw 3 KO'd and 2 Killed (one regenerated), leading me to a hard choice...score or delay. Wanting the chance to win, I scored on turn 5...and 2 of their 3 KO's come back, while my one KO again stays on the sideline. Still, was able to get the ball from them and have a chance to score, except for a 1rr1 dodge.
note: all the casualties in the game were kills...one regenerated, and the apoth turned one into a SI(MNG)...pretty rough game.
no new skills, but bought Balest back, and added another blocker.