CTV 930k+50k Human

15000 (2 FAME)

Inducements: Card Spiked Ball
Shambling Undead CTV 970k


#2 Frank Bonespike – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#11 Christopher Walken – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#4 Jess Cooljerk – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The spiked ball card did nothing, as usual. It was such a good time to play it, too, with dieter needing at least 2 pickup/catch rolls to score before the half, and with zero rr's. Alas, the stabbings didn't injure anybody. The undead side wasn't able to score though, which made Coach Pubstar's whining about the worthless inducement quite annoying!
1-0 at halftime
The Suckers received the kick with 11 players versus only 9 Amateurs. A few more casualties, and it became 8v10. Defense was a challenge, and the ghouls outpaced the remaining linemen to put in a tying score.
1-1 with 4 turns to go
The kickoff table rolled Riot! Coach Pubstar couldn't have asked for a better result, as he needed to hold off the undead defense with only 7 humans to avoid taking a loss. Fortunately for the Amateurs, Kevin Spikeface was able to receive the ball, then pitch it forward to another lino to preserve the tie.
FINAL: 1-1
A very fun and interesting match. It was tough to play with no skills, no fast players, no agile players, and no strong players! A real challenge! The casualty dice on both sides were rolling quite hot, which proved to ultimately be an undead advantage - humans don't get to regenerate!
Good game and well played, dieter. Hope to see you again soon!”