CTV 970k+50k Shambling Undead

7000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes
Norse CTV 1040k


No change
#8 Thorschel – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#9 Megudal – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#6 Pretty Wife number 2 – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#10 Dude from gastown, or whatever – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#17 Yorick Strongfield – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
<Artemis_Hide> Hi!
<Artemis_Hide> first game in the box for me =D
<pythrr> :(
<pythrr> rapeage
<Artemis_Hide> i don't know why i was not able to play the dirty tricks card
<Artemis_Hide> i wanted to have a zombie bomardier xD
<pythrr> lol
<pythrr> LOL what cpmpelte bs
<pythrr> LOL
<Artemis_Hide> what a violent match
<pythrr> no violent, just complete bullshit dice for you
<pythrr> every hit a pow
<pythrr> utter BS
<pythrr> DIE
<Artemis_Hide> man, it's a game, chill XD
<pythrr> die in a fire
<Artemis_Hide> lol
<pythrr> LOL
<pythrr> 66666
<pythrr> bs dices
<pythrr> DIE
<pythrr> jajaajajaj BS dcies
<pythrr> jajajaj RAPE dices BS
<pythrr> enjoy free dice win sir
<Artemis_Hide> you still have the second half
<pythrr> GRATS
<pythrr> nice TD
<Artemis_Hide> and no one came back from my koes
<pythrr> SO WHAT?
<Artemis_Hide> thanks
<Artemis_Hide> why you can't just chill mate?
<pythrr> 8 v 6 due to DICE
<pythrr> why cant you admit you've had GREAT DICE?
<pythrr> MATE
<pythrr> PFFT
<Artemis_Hide> you have armor 7
<Artemis_Hide> i always make 2d dice, with no dodge on your side
<pythrr> PFFT dices --- you have no bloick
<pythrr> NO BLOCK
<Artemis_Hide> so what?
<pythrr> we all have BLOCK
<pythrr> lo -=-- have you even read the ru;leS?
<pythrr> ajajajajajajajajaa
<Artemis_Hide> i don't need to read the rules for the math, you know
<pythrr> jajajajajajj noob
<Artemis_Hide> i have the 30% without RR to knock one player of yours down
<pythrr> READ THE RULEs
<pythrr> w/o BLOCK
<Artemis_Hide> what do you mean for read the rules?
<pythrr> kick please?\
<pythrr> please kick ball
<Artemis_Hide> the rules explain the math?
<pythrr> DIE IN FIRE
<Artemis_Hide> i'm going to report your behaviour^^
<pythrr> why? for asking you to read the rules?
<pythrr> how weird
<Artemis_Hide> you are harrassing me
<pythrr> HOW
<pythrr> for telling yr zombies to die?
<Artemis_Hide> calling me noob maybe?
<pythrr> chill out dude XD
<Artemis_Hide> yelling all the time, acting like a kid?
<Artemis_Hide> lol...
<pythrr> um, how am i yelling? i am typing
<pythrr> weird...
<Artemis_Hide> caps lock means yell on the internet, you know?
<pythrr> have you got a minrophone in my house?
<pythrr> i am not on the internet
<pythrr> i am in my house
<pythrr> IN MY HOUSE
<Artemis_Hide> ok
<pythrr> see.... not yelling, typing
<Artemis_Hide> sorry, i didn't know that
<pythrr> XD
<pythrr> oo, CHOP exolsives
<pythrr> balls!
<pythrr> we got da balls!
<pythrr> XD
<pythrr> boom?
<pythrr> BOMMM!!!
<pythrr> jaja
<pythrr> gg, utter rape both helaves, yes?
<pythrr> halves
<pythrr> enjoy free dice win sir
<pythrr> gl with yr team
<pythrr> LOL
<pythrr> can't even admit you got the best dice?
<pythrr> you are gonna make zero friends here, with that rude attitude
<pythrr> have a nice life
<pythrr> really enjoyed the chat sir
<pythrr> keep up the amazing sociality
<pythrr> LOL
<pythrr> and now spite fouls when you've won the game
<pythrr> please explain the logic beghind that
<Artemis_Hide> i need zombies
<Artemis_Hide> i have two mng
<pythrr> if you'd read the rules, you'd know you get no spps for fouls
<pythrr> good luck with that
<Artemis_Hide> but i can get free player
<pythrr> and poor excuse for behaviour
<Artemis_Hide> also, if you read the rules, you can't skip turn
<pythrr> sir
<pythrr> stop me
<pythrr> i can press end turn whenever i like
<pythrr> see
<pythrr> i just did
<pythrr> click
<Artemis_Hide> np
<pythrr> yr turn, good sir
<pythrr> lol
<pythrr> spite foul
<pythrr> way to make enemies
<Artemis_Hide> close enough
<pythrr> i think i'll write a blog about this game, so no one will play you again
<pythrr> gl
<Artemis_Hide> thanks
<Artemis_Hide> i'm flattered
<pythrr> yr turn sir