CTV 1980k Tomb Kings

70k (-20000)
20000 (1 FAME)

Nurgle CTV 1980k
70k (-20000)


#2 Eric XIII – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#11 Eduard VII – Smashed Knee (NI)
#15 Sean Truelightning – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
While in the first half we wiped off several players of the opponent, the opponent in the second half did so with our players. Therefore we had no real game until the overtime, although we managed to attack the ball carrier twice in the second half.
We were receiving in the overtime but had our best player still knocked out. It became very tactical, since none of us made good injury rolls. A very optimistic half open cage allowed the opponent to put his Diving Tackle Blitz-Ra and one of his Block Mummies next to my ball carrier. We were not able to push this threat away and the loss of the ball was the outcome of this in the next turn. It took a pickup at 5+ and four Go For Its within two turns both without rerolls and the need of a failed Blitz attempt in turn 7 by the opponent to win this game.”