1st half we can't stop their score, but do get them to score in turn 6. Unfortunately, I can't pick up the ball, so the 3 turn score opportunity went out the window.
2nd half is a slow march to the EZ, but I get pushed in on turn 7, leaving them 2 turns to try and score. Fortunately for me, I"m able to bottle up the Wolf and make him dodge in a TZ, and he fails it. game ends in 1-1 tie
Both runners skill up. give Tyber Accurate and Baraim Fend. ”
1st half we can't stop their score, but do get them to score in turn 6. Unfortunately, I can't pick up the ball, so the 3 turn score opportunity went out the window.
2nd half is a slow march to the EZ, but I get pushed in on turn 7, leaving them 2 turns to try and score. Fortunately for me, I"m able to bottle up the Wolf and make him dodge in a TZ, and he fails it. game ends in 1-1 tie
Both runners skill up. give Tyber Accurate and Baraim Fend.