CTV 2080k Nurgle

30k (-30000)
18000 (1 FAME)

Dwarf CTV 1770k+280k
40k (-10000)


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wandering apothecary, Star player Flint Churnblade
#11 Zane Killer – Dead (RIP)
#14 John Candy – Smashed Knee (NI)
#15 Angry Tiger – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Tough game vs Nurgle. Came down to a roll to see who won after OT. He rolled a 5, I rolled a 6..
1st half I couldn't stop the score, though I forced him to score a bit early, giving me 3 turns to score..but a blitz pretty much put a damper on that. Of note, I KO'd the beast and a CW with MB/CL on the 1st drive. Neither recovered in time for the 2nd Half start.
2nd half it took me all half to score, wanted to score earlier, but couldn't manage it, so I stalled out. The CW finally came back for the turn 8 KO, but the beast did not. On to OT
OT I have 11 players, he has 7...but I kick to him and he almost gets to score, but a Slayer is able to knock the ball out using my last RR (bringing us both to 0). I could have score with the slayer (who had grabbed the ball), but in a vain attempt to push a beastman off the pitch, I rolled double skulls, leaving me the only chance to score a slayer that would have had to get the ball and gfi 2 times to score..he was knocked down. game ends in a 1-1 tie.
I roll a 6, he rolls a 5.. appropriate for the close game this was.
Beat them up though, with 7 casualties (one caused by Flint). John Deer gets the MVP and guard.
on to round 2.