CTV 1030k+50k Underworld Denizens

12000 (2 FAME)
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Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes
Necromantic Horror CTV 1100k


#5 Templario – Smashed Hand (MNG)
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Match Highlights:
U-dogs open with an attempted running play down the touchline which is easily cut off by the Wolfs, surrounded and without sufficient support Azu’nee attempts a cross field pass to D’enthee the rookie linerat only to have it intercepted by ‘La Mole’ the Wolfs’ Flesh Golum! In an unexpected show of respect for the U-dogs ability (or just professionalism by their coach) the Wolves actually form a cage around La Mole as he plods down field to score. Half time 1-0 to the Wolfs and one goblin dead.
Determined to make up for the failure of the first half the U-dogs blitz at the start of the second capturing the ball 3 yards into the Wolfs’ half, supported by the random chaos of Exploding Runes dirty trick there was a flicker of hope that the U-dogs could score against the flow of play. But that hope was short lived, fast moving weres quickly took the skaven ball carrier down and the Wolfs gain a second score.
From then on the Wolfs have the majority of the play for the remainder of the match with only last ditch blitzes and the final whistle preventing them from scoring a third time.
A good game that taught me two major lessons – respect and fear the Werewolf and watch out for Flesh Golum interceptors!