CTV 1900k Slann

20k (-20000)

Wood Elf CTV 1870k
60k (-10000)

18000 (1 FAME)

No change
#12 Zoroba Tran – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#12 Itreeg Silverweasel – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#13 Satorirc Rootbat – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The game started off with a Blizzard. We elected to receive and the game opened up with a blitz. The Slann defence applied heavy pressure which forced us to make a tough first turn pass involving 2 gfis in a blizzard. Thankfully with the help of a RR we succeeded which set us up for a quick score. Our Treeman, Roots, was on fire, picking up 2 casualties on the first 2 turns of the game and just constantly soaking up blocks all game long.
We managed to go up 3-0 by halftime with 2 defensive scores by wardancer cage-breaking and leveraging some great kicks (yay kick skill!). By halftime, the casualty battle was tied up 3-3.
By turn 2 of the second half, Gabriella was badly hurt (missed dodge while going for a loose ball) and Tinaglanb was KOed. With only 5 elves on the pitch (+ a treeman) it was hard to defend the Slann advance, but we managed to slow them down enough that it took 4 turns for them to get a score.
With only 5 elves on the pitch and 4 turns to go (up 2 scores), we just needed to delay long enough to get the victory. A perfect defense made that more challenging.
We managed to force the ball deep causing them to double back and delay an attempt on a score, they were only able to 1 BD wrestle our ball carrier down. This gave us a 2 BD hit on their ball carrier, knock their player to the ground, have the ball bounce back on our catcher, Ardreth, catch it and then walk in for the TD to make it 4-1 with only 2 turns to go, solidifying the victory.
The slann team added a late T15 TD after the weather changed to a beautiful day.
Overall, a great game for Elf Yourself, managing to escape without any permanent damage! :)”