“Just couldn't quite execute any plays this game and lost a close one to the elves.
1st half I score, but not quickly. Am doing removing elves from the pitch at a good pace. Finally on his turn 5 or 6, he pushes me into the EZ for the score. I could not quite stop them from scoring--owing to 2 turns in a row getting a skull on the 2nd block of a frenzy block. (2db 1st block, sidestep makes it a 1db for the 2nd, and I fall down).
2nd half despite having more players, I could not stop them scoring--and doing it with a stall till turn 8. By the end, I had twice the number of players on the pitch as he did, but nothing would work (failed gfi's. double skulls, etc). I tried to do a OTS, and needed to NOT knock down the opponent on the 1st block...but I did..oh well. Got Yasha a pass instead of a TD to get to legend.
Yet again, a Wight dies soon after skilling up--can't keep them alive for long it seems. Replaced George with Gomer.
Yasha gets Legend and takes Tackle (my only tackle on the TEAM), while Georgette skills up and takes Guard (so at least I have one wight with guard on the team ;)
1st half I score, but not quickly. Am doing removing elves from the pitch at a good pace. Finally on his turn 5 or 6, he pushes me into the EZ for the score. I could not quite stop them from scoring--owing to 2 turns in a row getting a skull on the 2nd block of a frenzy block. (2db 1st block, sidestep makes it a 1db for the 2nd, and I fall down).
2nd half despite having more players, I could not stop them scoring--and doing it with a stall till turn 8. By the end, I had twice the number of players on the pitch as he did, but nothing would work (failed gfi's. double skulls, etc). I tried to do a OTS, and needed to NOT knock down the opponent on the 1st block...but I did..oh well. Got Yasha a pass instead of a TD to get to legend.
Yet again, a Wight dies soon after skilling up--can't keep them alive for long it seems. Replaced George with Gomer.
Yasha gets Legend and takes Tackle (my only tackle on the TEAM), while Georgette skills up and takes Guard (so at least I have one wight with guard on the team ;)