CTV 1250k Halfling

No change

Orc CTV 1180k+60k


Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
#9 Miffing Doof – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#12 Stunned Gunn – Damaged Back (NI)
#17 Paul Truestream – Dead (RIP)
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Our ball, a deep kick, we let the big timber settle into the returns work as Bomber set about clearing staff from the store, Leif taking one before Bomber eventually bought a nice -MA when pressed, only to kill another customer soon after! Rude, Leif had the ball for a moment there too.
Luckier Break, with the ball, caught a bomb, but couldn't throw it, that Bomber finally sent off for foul play, but all too late as they got out of range of our two remaining lads and scored.
Their ball after snacks, Leif getting another return, they took off down the wing and exposed the ball! But Gunner couldn't dodge and that was that, Foot Crushed giving them a lesser sale with the Apothecary when they wanted a kill. Stunned Gunn forgot to blitz them in, sold them a niggle instead, a promising salesman now. Luckier Break wasn't lucky on the next blitz in, Post Trauma got a soft sale, and our big timber had to settle for fouling the ones who wouldn't stand up. No Lief, that's not a valid return.
Foot Crushed was back for the full time show, but couldn't land it. Shame, they were well short on numbers, but he got MVP for trying, it's all we really ask.
Rough day for sales, but profitable in the end. Welcome back any time Greenskins, all right?”