“the trees root too much so it was possible to avoid them.
never do gfis for touchdowns.
wisely followed that rule in half 1, missed the winning t16 score in half 2. was not unlucky though. i abused the kickoff event reroll and should have saved it (afte rthe chef took them all away).
crazy hobbit touchdown inbetween when a tree throws his ball carrier directly in front of the tackle defender, but nemo made the dodge. excited the trees threw him later again, this time into the ko box.
skilled up another skelli with dodge now and pile on. so not bad day after all.”
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never do gfis for touchdowns.
wisely followed that rule in half 1, missed the winning t16 score in half 2. was not unlucky though. i abused the kickoff event reroll and should have saved it (afte rthe chef took them all away).
crazy hobbit touchdown inbetween when a tree throws his ball carrier directly in front of the tackle defender, but nemo made the dodge. excited the trees threw him later again, this time into the ko box.
skilled up another skelli with dodge now and pile on. so not bad day after all.”