CTV 1730k Lizardmen

17000 (1 FAME)

Slann CTV 1620k+110k


Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf
#10 Tonitiuh – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#90 Helmut Wulf – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
As CanvasBlack said so well: "A tale of two halves"
1st Drive: He receives, sends his catchers on some deep routes and I respond by engulfing them with a mixture of lizards. Helmut gets a foul in on the first turn then hurts his ankle on the 2nd turn fouling. I take engage in wanton fouling and try to thin the herd and hit with a BH against his blodge catcher. Scores turn 3 on a 6 square beautiful spiral pass.
2nd Drive: I receive and get in position to score immediately but the krox flubs the 2d6 before I can pick up. He positions to 2gfi score with catcher and marks surehanded skink with blitzer. I knock the blitzer down on blitz but skink had consumed reroll on 2d6, then saurus botches 2d6 with double both down. Scores turn 5 with 2gfi sprint by catcher. He stuck out his damn lizard tongue as he leisurely strolled in. Ref high fived him!
3rd Drive: Kick is way short and lands in hand of saurus despite all odds. Set up to score immediately but protect saurus at all costs by surrounding him from wrestle strip baller frog bastards. Easily break through pitiful toad encroachments and 3d6 blitzer marking skink in scoring position. Saurus hands off and skink runs in for the score on turn 6
4th Drive: He sets up to score on turn 7 and a double skull ends my turn almost immediately. Throws a beautiful pass to catcher who again, mocks me as he easily struts into the endzone.
5th Drive: Set up for one turner but Riot sends game back a turn. Set up to score but have trouble doing so and only skink in scoring position knocked down. I take out my rage on a hapless lino.
Halftime: I tell my reptilian rapscallions to r-e-l-a-x. We can get back in this with a little gumption and determination and a whole lot of luck.
6th Drive: I receive. Set up to hand off to skink to get in nearly impervious cage. Handoff to skink is ruined and ball bounces. CanvasBlack directs his players to capitalize on my fools clumsiness and throw yet another infuriatingly awesome pass but has to reroll a gfi and then fails a dodge that would put him in the clear for a great pass. I recover and build an unbreakable cage but he rerolls a -2d6 Both Down/Pow into Double Pows. Knocks my skink with the ball out of scoring range but I recover with a handoff to Tonitiuh who scores on 2 gfis on turn
7th Drive: I kick off and get another Perfect Defense and push him to roll dice. He makes a pass but had to reroll it then fails a leap with the catcher holding the ball. Falls right by my surehanded skink and clear out the way for him to pick up the ball. Fails the ball luckily lands in two of my tzs. He -2d6 krox off the ball picks up on a 3+ then makes a dodge, a leap another dodge which he rerolls and then hits a 1 on the 2+ pass. I recover and hand off to a skink to get into scoring position. I hit a ton of blocks but he passes a million dodges and leaps to prevent score. Marks the skink with the ball with a blitzer in direct opposition of the path to the goalline. Skink says "I MAKE MY OWN HOLE!" and -2d6 blitzes the blitzer out of the way, dodges away from another frog and hits paydirt on turn 7.
Drive 8: Enough time to make one last stab at the endzone for CanvasBlack and again I play up close and personal on the line. Makes it so a blitz! won't really hurt him due to my aggressiveness. It's turn 7 and any one will kill him as he's out of rerolls. Fails a leap to get into scoring position thus ending the game.
Luck flowed both ways but I definitely should have played better. Love the skink boots! I was very paranoid of his leapers but lackadasical about picking up the ball and then failing it when it was most important. Would have loved to hit a Blitz! on the last kick and see what happened.
Great game, one for the ages!”