CTV 1390k Amazon

16000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1060k+330k


No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe, Star player Nobbla Blackwart, Card Blatant Foul
#1 Curly – Damaged Back (NI)
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shaping up to be a bad season for the Raiders. Two horrible losses after the opening win.
1st half did not go well for either team, though the Raiders could arguably be said to have had the worst of it. Ref spots 3 of 3 fouls in the half. Campbell gets sacked twice. Nobbla lasts all of 2 turns (two fouls). Only saving grace was the 2db (skull/skull) that the Ponies had to deny them the TD. Oh, and Curly gets SI'd on their 1st block of the game. (to be fair, he did BH one of the Ponies on his 1st block)
2nd half was all Ponies all the way. Opening pitch invasion stuns 4 of the 9 Raiders on the pitch, and only 1 Pony. Opening blocks stun 2 more, so we only have 3 players to move on our 1st turn. Did manage to knock the ball loose somehow, but they scored on turn 4 anyway. Had some hope, but the ref was 1 for 2 in spotting fouls this half, and I seemed to have at least one player stunned every turn. Even when I got blocks in, they seemed to be pushes. Campbell tries score, but again gets sacked.
Nobbla gets the MVP for getting spotted twice on his 2 fouls while getting 2 stuns....
Brazil gets a late casualty and learns guard. Bought an Apothecary. Will be without our Mino next game.”