CTV 1760k Dwarf

20k (-10000)

Norse CTV 1300k+440k

16000 (1 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Star player Helmut Wulf, Star player Icepelt Hammerblow
#15 Kill 'em Young – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#20 Ulric Fasthammer – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3 game losing streak accomplished, the Techies could not do much right this game except to hurt the AV 7 team..but not enough and were out maneuvered at just about every turn. Only good thing is that Thompson keeps his completion streak alive at 15 straight games.
1st half we were stymied and only barely avoided giving up a defensive TD. Very little goes right for Karak University, while the Gold Diggers are able to make good use of both Star Players.
2nd half was more of the same. Coach Xeterog was so frustrated that he used all the Team's RR's on trying to knock Diggers down. A last ditch pass to try to tie up the game came one 3+ catch roll away from succeeding.
no new skills despite getting a decent amount of SPP's for a loss.