“This game definetly did not pan out like I expected. With his vastly superior lineelves, i expected to get wiped the floor with. The first half saw ever piece of bad luck you can imagine. Failing pickup rolls w/ ag4, 1 block die coming up skulls on crucial blocks and a couple of failed passes. Then the second half saw his fans trash my team including my great oak after scoring on a unlikely set of dodges and handoff/pass in one turn. Then to top it off, he muffs the next drive whereby my wardancer picks up the ball, leaps away from 5 elves, blitzes the catcher and gfi's twice into the endzone. Unbelieveable. After that, a 6 turn riot ensues that ends the game. All in all, I'm very happy with results and look forward to a rematch w/ Magnus to see him in action w/o the bad luck. Good game Mags.”
“Weird game! Nothing worked, turn 3+ in H1 was ended by a roll of 1 or skulls. H2 started the same way, but ended in a riot. Felt it coming though, cause my fans invaded the pitch a few min before, and knocked out most of the other team, including the treeman...
Rematch on its way soon I hope =)
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