“An interesting match, where due to mediocre dice on my first few turns I was unable to take advantage of a fumbled ball, and the Buccaneers were able to regain possession and score quickly.
Sweltering heat then ruined my team, losing some key players to heat exhaustion and meaning I had to field 8 versus a full side. Not surprisingly, the Orcs lost possession and only failed to concede another touchdown due to some bad dice for PainState.
The second half went a lot better and feeling cocky I decided to play ball instead of stall. This backfired and lead to another touchdown for the Humans.
That said, it was a fun match with a good opponent. Looking forward to the rematch - especially one where I'm not ruined by the weather ;)”
Sweltering heat then ruined my team, losing some key players to heat exhaustion and meaning I had to field 8 versus a full side. Not surprisingly, the Orcs lost possession and only failed to concede another touchdown due to some bad dice for PainState.
The second half went a lot better and feeling cocky I decided to play ball instead of stall. This backfired and lead to another touchdown for the Humans.
That said, it was a fun match with a good opponent. Looking forward to the rematch - especially one where I'm not ruined by the weather ;)”