CTV 1210k+60k Ogre

12000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
Halfling CTV 1280k


No change
#18 Cory Strongspike – Dead (RIP)
#5 Bacon Back – Dead (RIP)
#9 Pork Loin – Dead (RIP)
#13 Suckling Pig – Dead (RIP)
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We hired Bomber Dribblesnot but didn't use him first half. We received and Bulldog started by cas'ing a Halfling. Big Daddy then threw Lucan forward but it was a weak effort and a pace too short! So Lucan scampered back and we were worried. The Treemen and some Halflings advanced at us but Bulldog killed a snot and Big Daddy hurt another! The Ogres then got bashed by the Treemen and Lucan went forward in a snot cage. He shrugged off a blitz and even manage to delay some time before scoring. However the dirty player Halfling gang fouled Haystacks and hurt him! The ref ignored it and our apo stepped in to fix the Ogre up.
In their return drive a Treeman killed a loner snot but the Halfling with the ball tripped up over his laces. Our Ogres went dumb (quite regular when not pounding halflings) but the Halflings following TTM attempt ended in another dead Halfling! Lucan got the ball and we made it to half-time 1-0 up.
2nd half Pork Sandwich advanced with the ball. But Bulldog caused another kill and a badly hurt! He also ko'd a tree and Lucan even managed his first career casualty! The Halflings were outnumbered and when a handoff failed they were doomed. One did blitz and cas Lucan to stop him running over for a 2nd but they couldn't conjure another chance and Bomber Dribblesnot fouled out one near our endzone to make sure. The Wrestlers made it!
We had gone 12 defeats in a row and 29 games since our last win so this was appreciated. We recruit a new Ogre and there will be huge celebrations. Amon took the rough stuff well. 2 Halflings caused 2 casualties each for small consolation.
Go Ogres!”