“Too many people on the field! What is this, a soccer game? The Chariots and Heroes decided to play a game of "touch bloodbowl" with ribbons velcro'd to their waists.
And the high elves held the high ground! 3-1 argh!
Hail to Brain Quickhammer who tosses a quick one and upgrades to guard! Boy are we glad to see you!
The Dark Avenger has anger issues all game long. We would love to punish him, but how the hec do you punish a Clawed Frenzied troll with anger management issues? doh.
DeMaio on turn 16 says "F touch bloodbowl" and sucker elbows a catcher! "Pineapple Pineapple" Is all the elf muttered...
apparently that's his safe word.
no NOO has returned! Let's get the party started!”
And the high elves held the high ground! 3-1 argh!
Hail to Brain Quickhammer who tosses a quick one and upgrades to guard! Boy are we glad to see you!
The Dark Avenger has anger issues all game long. We would love to punish him, but how the hec do you punish a Clawed Frenzied troll with anger management issues? doh.
DeMaio on turn 16 says "F touch bloodbowl" and sucker elbows a catcher! "Pineapple Pineapple" Is all the elf muttered...
apparently that's his safe word.
no NOO has returned! Let's get the party started!”