CTV 1550k+340k Elven Union


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Eldril Sidewinder, Mercenary Merc Lineman 1
Human CTV 1890k
50k (-10000)

19000 (2 FAME)

#13 Giado Venerdi – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
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The Cavaliers came into this match a bit rusty as they hadn't played in quite some time. Kicking in the 1st, they could only slow the cage down & eventually SRW Heroes scored in T7 which left us 2 turns to get one. This wasn't to be as Loriston Seagazer failed an important throw for the score.
In the second, feeling some pressure from the Heroes after a failed dodge- the Cavaliers rush a pass that probably shouldn't of been made & promptly fumble it. We are soon down 0-2 and things aren't looking so great.
Next drive however, we slow play it a bit & draw his defenders wide on either side giving us enough room (with Eldril's help) for a quick score to get us our first TD.
Perfect Defense & a deep kick with all the Heroes blitzers on the line gave us a shot at a defensive TD, and the Cavaliers went all in catching the cage without full guard coverage. A leaping blitz later and the ball was free for Loriston Seagazer to redeem himself with a nice pickup and pass in a TZ. With Eldril Sidewinder's hypnotic gaze working well, the catcher calmly ran it in to get the equalizer & set the stage for overtime!
Overtime saw the Cavaliers receiving with a full set of 4 catchers & Eldril - things looked good for a quick score.
This time, there weren't any major mistakes and a sideline drive which was reversed to a middle cage proved the game winner!
Cheers to Marasai who really maximized his blocks against us at 85 \o/ We lucked out and didn't take any major injuries. Cheers! :)