CTV 2340k Human
60k (-40000)
20000 (1 FAME)
No change
Necromantic Horror CTV 1970k+370k
60k (-20000)
Inducements: 1 wizard, 2 bloodweiser kegs, Star player Hack Enslash
#8 Di Matteo – Dead (RIP)
#11 Alexander – Dead (RIP)
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A good coach and a good team with a famous legend, I Want My MTV were picked by many to emerge victorious from this group. They showcased why with some hard hitting defense - one of our longest serving players falling at the hands of the super star wight as Owner of a Lonely Heart killed Alexander.
Cavetroll won the toss and opted to kick. His team blitzed the defense, immediately putting me on the back foot. On perhaps my worst played turn of the game, T2, the ball ended up semi-covered in the hands of a blitzer. Much to my surprise, the wizard's bolt deprived him of it but the necromantics were unable to cover the legend wolf who received a pass. Fortunately the luck was there to bring it down, and from there on out I managed to stall to the end of the half although I suspect Cavetroll will feel he could have made better use of his team's numerical advantage to pressure an earlier score.
Without the luck required to make the OTS, after some fortunate kayo rolls my team was back to near full strength for the 2nd half to protect the lead, although veteran lineman Di Matteo was killed by the legend Cult of Personality during the OTS attempt.
The 2nd half swung early, as Monk tried to surf the other wolf but succeeded in knocking it out instead. Cavetroll's team were no longer hitting as hard, and Cavetroll opted to keep his legend wolf in the backfield and out of the play. Everything went sour for him in the third turn of his drive. Monk surfed a golem for the 2nd time in the game, and 3 other players were removed to give me a decisive advantage and essentially win the tie. With only a few players left, the options were slim to none and when the legend wolf was knocked out a few turns later it was game over.”