CTV 1130k Vampire

No change

Halfling CTV 1010k+100k


Inducements: 1 halfling master chef
#4 William – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#7 Paul – Dead (RIP)
#13 Ben – Groin Strain (MNG)
#3 Jimmy Pimpskin – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#4 Baby Boes – Dead (RIP)
#12 Doby Tophat – Damaged Back (NI)
#16 Jeff Binks – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3 (almost 4) Deaths.
A bipolar tree.
Excessively Thirsty Players
And of course Frodo scores a TD.
Old oak played a blinder where one turn he was killing players to rolling double skulls the next and then taking a drive out due to heat stroke (I knew I should have let him take root and have a drink).
Little Johnny AKA 'Frodo' Took an amazing throw team mate and then vanished into thin air. After both coaches searched everywhere for him (multiple reloads) he finally reappeared to score a touch down.
The heat took a toll of both teams with trees and upto 4 Hobbits taking time out the match at the same time. In contrast to this the vampires seemed especially thirsty (even more so after smelling the master chefs food) and fed on every thrall on the pitch leaving them nothing to drink in the closing turns of the second half.
Ben the legendary thrall also narrowly missed death with the help of his teams apothecary (almost had 4 deaths in one game) settling for a Groin Strain.”