“A brutal in the trenches battle against the legendary Charioteers. Facing tons of guard, mighty blow, some claws and a low down filthy booter the Nurglers were worried.
Some truly inspired early one die and -2d blocking by the Norsemen had the Rot on the run and they were fortunate to score on the final turn of the half. The drive had been expensive though, with one warrior badly hurt and a fourth helping of Tripe annihilated.
The Charioteers quickly scooped up the second half kick-off and set to work removing rotters and fouling warriors. However the team's yeti misbehaved at a crucial moment and the Nurglers were able to recover the ball.
More wonderful one die blocking forced the score and with half the rotters refusing to leave the safety of the KO box the Rot were outnumbered with 5 turns left. At another key moment the yeti chose to misbehave again and the Charioteers were left needing a 6 on the pass and a 6 on the catch for a late consolation goal. When only the first emerged the Nurglers were able to shut down the game.
A really entertaining, close battle against a fun coach with one of the game's most celebrated teams.
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But the Berserker Eric makes sacrifice of Tripe! Your death is my life! Meet thy fallen brothers in my collection of heads!
Omega Man is blessed with greatness! Upgrade to dirty player and seek revenge on the LOS! ”