CTV 1710k Necromantic Horror

12000 (1 FAME)

Halfling CTV 1170k+540k


Inducements: 1 halfling master chef, Star player Puggy Baconbreath, Star player Deeproot Strongbranch
#14 Leathered Larry – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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Crown Of Sand VII : Qualifier V round 2 (really game 1, as we both had byes round 1)
Werehound survive despite many mental mistakes.
1st half, we receive and proceed to score in 4ish turns, not doing much damage yet. Puggy was a pain, but we were able to get him off the pitch before halftime at the least. Did a good job of keeping the trees occupied with Zombies, who survived the whole match!
2nd half, I couldn't quite break through enough to score, but again I was able to occupy the trees enough that they couldn't throw a fling effectively.
Frank gets Mighty Blow.
We both thought that we would be facing Dwarves next, but apparently, Midnight Express (necromantic) was able to beat the Braba'k Iron Anvils. So, Necro on necro for round 2.