CTV 1670k+100k Ogre


Inducements: 2 bloodweiser kegs
Elven Union CTV 1790k
70k (-10000)

18000 (1 FAME)

#5 Emmanuel Pettit – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#13 Patrick Viera – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"How are we doing to do that boss," asked Paul. "The usual method of hitting things until they stop moving, whilst undeniably effective, hasn't proven fruitful of late in the results department."
"That's right," added Yoichirogre. "I've barely had enough data for my latest research. And without the research we don't get the LOC any exposure. It's a publish or perish world out there. We can make the other team perish but it doesn't help us gets the results to publish."
"Neva yous lott mindz aboot dat, I'z gotz ya covverd. Youz jus mek surez dat yous iz on topz ov yourz game tooday. Have fayth in da powa ov ogre syens"
Bonehead failure count: 12/81 = 1/6.8
Ongoing failure count: 296/1893 = 1/6.4”