CTV 1000k Chaos Renegade


Inducements: Card Gloves of Holding, Card Lucky Charm
Shambling Undead CTV 1000k

9000 (2 FAME)

No change
Inducements: Card Gromskull's Exploding Runes, Card Wand of Smashing
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
"Good morning sports fans and good morning Bob! Today we are going to be discussing an epic match from 30 years ago!"
"That's right Jim. It was a game that would change history! We are talking of course about the Chaos All-Stars v Champions of Tomolandry!"
"It was a debut match for both teams Bob and little did we know how the likes of Morg'th N'hthrog, Duke Luthor and Dirty Dan would go on to have glittering careers and become household names."
"Don't forget the Champions of Tomolandry Jim! It was this classic encounter that would firmly establish Tomolandry as the old world's leading Blood Bowl necromancer."
"You aren't wrong Bob! Before this match reanimated teams were considered a bit of a joke."
"But the joke was soon to be on the rest of the division Jim."
"Too right Bob. There is nothing funny about squaring up to a mummy or having to battle through an endless, regenerating horde of undead!"
"This game was watched by fans and players alike Jim, many of whom, it turned out, were getting their first sight of the stars that would later end their careers on the pitch!"
"It's kind of ironic isn't it Bob? That a charity match organised by Morg' to raise awareness, and money of course, for his orphanage would be the catalyst for creating so many more orphans!"
"Nuffle has a strange sense of humour Jim!"
"[shudder] Don't say His name Bob!!"
"Sorry Jim."
"We have a treat in store for you sports fans this morning don't we Bob?"
"We sure do Jim, we sure do. We have none other than celebrity, veteran Blood Bowl journalist Rover McGuinley joining us."
"To think it was 30 years ago Bob when we commentated on this match and McGuinley first interviewed Morg'!"
"Haha! That wasn't an interview he was going to forget soon was it Jim?!"
"Hehe! No indeed Bob! But we should mention before we introduce him that for anyone who has been living in the middle of nowhere for the last 30 years - this will contain spoilers! In tomorrow evening's show we will be broadcasting the match in full, so if you'd rather not know what happens it's best to leave us now and join us tomorrow at 21:30 Blood Bowl time!
...30 years earlier...
"Hi there sportsfans! Jim Johnson here, your host for this pre-season game which will open the new Blood Bowl campaign. Tonight is a rare treat, Ogre Blocker Morg'th N'hthrog has pulled together a weird and wonderful mix of players in a team he is calling the Chaos All-Stars. Their opponents are the latest offering from that great Blood Bowl necromancer Tomolandry. This charity game is for the Altdorf Ophanage for which Morg'th 'throg is the president. What a match we have in store for you! Lots of new faces in these rookie teams - or very old faces I suppose in the case of the Champions of Tomolandry. Keep an eye out for the stars of tomorrow! And I know Bill Bifford will have some thoughts of his own on this match - hi, Bob!"
"Hi Jim. I have had quick look at the team sheets and can confirm it is going to be a bad day to be a lineman! Tomolandry hasn't just raised a bunch of skeletons - he has not one, but TWO mummies in his line up! That is some powerful necromancy and a formidable front line!"
"What about the All-Stars Bob?"
"This is where it gets scary Jim. We knew Morg would be playing but he has got a troll AND a minotaur joining him too!"
"I wouldn't want to be the lineman stuck in the middle of that lot Bob!"
...90 minutes later...
"The ref is looking at his watch Bob...he raises his whistle to his lips..."
"It is now or never for Duke Luthor Jim."
[the crowd go wild]
"There you have it sportsfans, in the dying second the All-Stars score! That's it. Final score Chaos All-Stars 1-0 Champions of Tomolandry"
"Incredible scenes Jim, Bork and Zy-Nox have just lifted their captain Morg and are beginning to parade him around the ground!"
"And the fans are loving it Bob, just loving it! I see our man-with-the-mike pitchside is closing on the victorious captain for a word. Rover, it is over to you."
"Morg, Rover McGuinley here, Cablevision News. You must be delighted with that result!"
"'Ello small man. We won it for de Orphans. Great score from da Duke. He's proper good."
"Indeed, and...what the...oh my!"
In the centre of the pitch a furious Tomolandry has assembled his whole team. Raising his arms to the heavens he starts chanting some strange spell in a guttural, forgotten, language. The ground starts to shake, the crowd start to scream, the sky turns black and a rumbling thunder is followed by a lightning blast from the sky, completely incinerating his quarterback Graig Morteon. A second blast and the giant Mummy Rhalp Keely becomes a fireball, a third blast, then another. In moments his entire team are reduced to smouldering ashes on the ground. The thunder stops and the sky clears. The screams in the crowd die down and then there is silence. Then the voice of a small boy shouts "look, what's that?"
Something in the pile of ash is stirring...
First one skeleton rises from the ground, then a second. Finally the eleventh player in his new team is stood before him. The crowd watch on in stunned awe.
"Something is missing" says Tomolandry in a cruel, high voice. "You will need a captain to lead you on the field!"
Then his voice changes to the deep throaty sound that indicates he is steeped in dark magic again.
"From the ages past,
From the dead of earth,
From fire and hell,
I summon you!
The ground shakes once more and the pitch cracks open all along the line of scrimmage. A moaning sound, loud and low and terrible emanates from inside the earth. Then a huge figure rises in a cloud of smoke. An enormous mummy, shambles out of the dust, crackling with sparks of deep purple and malevolent green energy.
"Hello Ramtut" says Tomolandry, his voice high and sharp again. "Do you know who I am?"
"M.A.S.T.E.R" growls the creature.
"R.A.M.T.U.T H.U.N.G.R.Y!!"
"Of course you are, of course you are. Feed my friend, feed. Thirteen thousand here. Feed."