“A dicing of the highest magnitude. Most undeserved loss I've suffered in a while. Hard to win when every critical roll fails for you and succeeds for your opponent. Glad I'm done with Chaos Dwarves for this grid. Don't have to play them for a while now.
Update: first loss of the grid. So much for the perfect 24. Also lost 2.26 CR and dropped in Necro from 12 to 26. Yeah that seems fair, nuffle.
There was nothing solid about this victory. A retarded child could have won with the dice the CDs had.
Update 2: it seems my harsh words have run off yet another new coach. But since it was an emerging clawpomber, I don't feel as badly.”
“Not a good game. I heard so much whining that for a second I thought my gf had came back to home with apocalyptic women periods. My thoughts were purely on unicorns and happy meals so I managed to pull a solid victory. ”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Update: first loss of the grid. So much for the perfect 24. Also lost 2.26 CR and dropped in Necro from 12 to 26. Yeah that seems fair, nuffle.
There was nothing solid about this victory. A retarded child could have won with the dice the CDs had.
Update 2: it seems my harsh words have run off yet another new coach. But since it was an emerging clawpomber, I don't feel as badly.”