CTV 1480k Chaos Dwarf

19000 (2 FAME)
No change

Chaos Renegade CTV 1440k
#3 Orvar Baldr – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#7 Hafleikr Bolli – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#9 Gefión Kengr – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#14 Fafnir Rulebreaker – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Order looked forward to their second game of the 3rd season with some trepidation. Their opponents in the Frozen Sea Conference were a fearsome Chaos Pact team fresh off extracting a concession from superstar coach Jarl pythrr. Reviewing the replay showed that the Ravagers could be expected to bring a dangerous block game, enhanced by some vicious fouling.
The Ravagers received and their first three turns saw three cas. They had came to play. The big guys were performing well and The Order were snaking like a hose. Two more cas before halftime, including a perm, brought the tally to 5-0 and The Order could sympathise with pythrr's rage-quit. 29 blocks, 5 cas, including 3 serious injuries, against 20 blocks not even a ko.
The Ravagers generously left their ball-carrier wide open and after four dice failed to bring him down all that was needed was a series of 3+ dodges and two gfis, without rerolls, for a one goal and seven man advantage.
On the second half kick-off the client crashed during The Order's "Quick Snap" kick-off result.
When their coach was able to get back in it was apparent that they had lost not only the Quick Snap, but also their first turn as well.
The Ravagers were not going to miss out on this were already removing more players from the pitch.
At that point it was a matter of hitting "End Turn" until the bad sportmanship and brutal dice were over.