CTV 1320k+50k Chaos Dwarf


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Norse CTV 1330k


No change
#8 Óðinn Alf – Dead (RIP)
#3 Karst Suncaller – Dead (RIP)
#12 Tacht Skanten – Groin Strain (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The third game of the season for The Order was against the local Norsemen, the Sunborn of Sarl. This was a rematch of an encounter in the second season which had become slightly one sided when most of the norse refused to leave the bench and risk exposing themselves to the heat. Jarl Timetis was out for revenge and defended hard, scoring an early kill. The Order fired back with a kill of their own on a key norse guardsman. Some badly hurts were then exchanged as the norse switched focus from ball to bash before The Order finally crossed the line.
But after the mauling suffered in the previous match and with three permanently out before half-time the odds were against the little fellows hanging on. However the norse receiver bobbled the spiked ball and stunned himself and The Order began to feel the inspiring presence of the Snow King. They quickly scored and when the aptly named Artiom the Blind failed another sure handed pick up it looked as if the match was over.
Not quite though, as Artion redeemed himself with a one die pow, a dodge and a lovely hail mary. Unfortunately for the Sunborn their luck had been used up earlier and with no rerolls left the receiver stunned himself on a GFI before he could cross the line.
A rough game with eight casualties including two kills but all played in good spirits.
Three skills and a few returning players as The Order look forward to a rematch with the intimidating Nidhoggstad Firedrakes.