“I wouldn't call this a hugely interesting game. My opponent admited early that due to awful luck in previous games, he had started following the way of the boot. He was quite good with this, and knocking out several of my players. Only 1 (out of 8) were spotted the entire game.
In addition to the boot, he also had several quite good blocks, and to top that 3 of my players left the field due to the spiked ball (1 KO, 1 BH and 1 SI), so my ranks were depleted for a long time.
In the first drive, I managed to knock the ball out of my opponents hands, however due to an illfated bounce the next turn, my turn ended quickly when a goblin left the field after being stabbed by the ball.
In the second drive, I had 2 turns to score, the plan was laid out, I was going to pass to my 5 agi blitzer, however of all things, an interception stopped the attempt.
During the second half, my ballhandler failed to pick the ball, and left the field with a smashed ankled (that's one helluva spiked ball!). I had to pull a trick out of my hat, kinda failed (didn't manage to pass the ball, the bounce injured another goblin, however Naftr still managed to catch it. Next turn the vampires knocked him down, but I managed to get up and hand-over the ball to a goblin he ran for his life, and managed to score one turn later (stalling would probably have meant the death/health of several of my players).
I failed to stop his second TD, it was a normal attack against a reduced team.
I pulled another trick out of my hat, and managed to toss a goblin, and score with him, leaving the vampires 2 turns left. I had no way of stopping his last TD, and my opponent didn't failed an important roll in the last two turns, so it ended 2-3.”
In addition to the boot, he also had several quite good blocks, and to top that 3 of my players left the field due to the spiked ball (1 KO, 1 BH and 1 SI), so my ranks were depleted for a long time.
In the first drive, I managed to knock the ball out of my opponents hands, however due to an illfated bounce the next turn, my turn ended quickly when a goblin left the field after being stabbed by the ball.
In the second drive, I had 2 turns to score, the plan was laid out, I was going to pass to my 5 agi blitzer, however of all things, an interception stopped the attempt.
During the second half, my ballhandler failed to pick the ball, and left the field with a smashed ankled (that's one helluva spiked ball!). I had to pull a trick out of my hat, kinda failed (didn't manage to pass the ball, the bounce injured another goblin, however Naftr still managed to catch it. Next turn the vampires knocked him down, but I managed to get up and hand-over the ball to a goblin he ran for his life, and managed to score one turn later (stalling would probably have meant the death/health of several of my players).
I failed to stop his second TD, it was a normal attack against a reduced team.
I pulled another trick out of my hat, and managed to toss a goblin, and score with him, leaving the vampires 2 turns left. I had no way of stopping his last TD, and my opponent didn't failed an important roll in the last two turns, so it ended 2-3.”