“The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you won't live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing.
The skein of this game was woven by nuffle, and he is a heartless bastard. The Warriors of Valhalla could accomplish very little on the field of battle today. Most of our attempts were thwarted by cruel dice and a glitchy client. No matter, we accomplished at least one goal - get everyone back healthy and not add to the roster of injured and dead. Buliwyf nearly mucked that up by failing an unnecessary gfi in T16 and then failing Pro. Fortunately the medicine woman was able to turn his broken ankle into a Badly Hurt.
Tonight we will eat and drink, but we will not call it a feast. The Warriors will be stewing over the day's humiliation and preparing for the next time we face faeries and woodland spirits. That will be a day for feasting.
When you die, can I give that to me daughter?”
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The skein of this game was woven by nuffle, and he is a heartless bastard. The Warriors of Valhalla could accomplish very little on the field of battle today. Most of our attempts were thwarted by cruel dice and a glitchy client. No matter, we accomplished at least one goal - get everyone back healthy and not add to the roster of injured and dead. Buliwyf nearly mucked that up by failing an unnecessary gfi in T16 and then failing Pro. Fortunately the medicine woman was able to turn his broken ankle into a Badly Hurt.
Tonight we will eat and drink, but we will not call it a feast. The Warriors will be stewing over the day's humiliation and preparing for the next time we face faeries and woodland spirits. That will be a day for feasting.
When you die, can I give that to me daughter?”