CTV 1740k Human
Shambling Undead CTV 1540k+200k
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wizard
#9 Whistler – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#9 Mane the Second! – Fractured Leg (MNG)
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"Epic cornholing". "Travesty". "Holy crap what did I just watch".
These were the phrases spluttering from the mouths of the disbelieving Milan fans as they stumbled - like a horde of late night 420 day revelers - from the Circus. The deviant undead had pulled off a most unlikey 2-1 win, after being down 1-0 at half time on a defensive TD.
After a first half in which Milan took control of the game, the Whitewalkers summoned the luck of the dark gods to come out in the second half and decimate the Gladiators; every hit a pow, and by the time they made it 1-1 in T4, there were 7 Milan players in the KO box and 2 in the Cas box. And only 1/7 recovered from KO, leaving Milan with only 5 players to try for an unlikely win. But even then, the undead horde stormed forward, and the Milan players failed GFI, dodges, and everything else.....
Bit of a dicerapey here.
Gl in the 2nd round, sir!