CTV 1590k Ogre

11000 (1 FAME)

Chaos Dwarf CTV 1600k


No change
#7 Shane Mcmahon the 9th – Fractured Skull (-AV)
#10 Jaroslaw – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#12 Lenka – Gouged Eye (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The Cwarfs came forward and had knocked a couple of snots off the pitch. One Cwarf was out to a rock. Jim Breaks though had a chance to take down the hob carrier. He did it and caught the ball! Suddenly a chance to charge on for a TD. But alas that was our one brief success with the ball this match and he was smashed down by a Bull. Jaroslaw the hob took the ball on, and yet again Jim was given a chance to hit him. But he tripped up right next to the hob just as he was about to strike. The defence had failed after coming close, and the Cwarfs scored.
After a riot we failed to pick up the ball in t7 but managed it in t8 after getting it back off the Hob who had coming rushing in. Lucan caught a handoff and was thrown forward. He landed fine and rushed past a Chaos Dwarf. The equalizer chance was there. He dodged twice and rushed forward. Then snaked his gfi in the endzone and was badly hurt! The apo was used on him. Start of next half he was thrown forward again after a quick snap with another scoring chance. But he fell to the ground and was badly hurt again!! Amazing stuff.
After that we were hit about and numbers dwindled. The Ogres were getting kicked on the ground too. There was still a chance to bring down their carrier but Les failed his dodge. It was a poor performance and we end up going down 2-0, thinking what might have been.
Go Ogres!”