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Match Result · Ranked division · Tournament game
Match recorded on 2016-05-13 06:21:58
GLT XII: Forlorn Races Qualifiers 2 round 1
CTV 1920k Tomb Kings
Winnings 20k (-20000)
17000 Spectators
No change Dedicated Fans
Casualties 4/4/0
Inducements: 1 bribe
Chaos Renegade CTV 1770k+150k
60k (-10000) Winnings
Spectators 18000 (1 FAME)
Fanfactor -1
2/0/0 Casualties
Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bribe
Player Performances
I never said that you were lucky or had lucky dice...I said you had the better dice in the first half. Make sure that you understand what I said before you quote me on it.

And I definitely did have the better dice in the second half. My CAS dice won me the game in the 2nd. Also remember that this team is built for causing Casualties as well, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they cause them when they do. Just look at my total team numbers. In 39 matches, this teams has had 160+ casualties...at some point, that stops being luck.

Edit: lol, ok. You stop to think that maybe you had to score early because I was able to get several pieces down close to your ball carrier to force you to not be able to stall? As I stated in game...you had 1 set of turn-over dice in the first half. I had 3. I had at least 2 sets of double skulls...you had none. You are running 3 big guys with nega-traits...they are bound to have a bad game here and there. Quit making excuses. I had bad dice on more than 1 turn in the first half. And I never bitched or moaned about anything in the match...unlike you the whole second half and in OT. I did make a statement that your dice were better at the end of the first half (and you agreed at that point as well...or have you forgotten that too)?

Oh and since you want to make excuses...how about telling everyone how you got pissed and was a dick towards me at the start of OT, because I took 2-2/5 minutes to make sure I had my team set up the way I wanted to kick-off to you. Remember when you said something about me taking soooo long on my turns? Complete asshat move. I never took longer than 3 minutes on any turn, so you were completely out-of-line with that attitude. I'm glad that you "got diced" in the 2nd half...you deserved it after acting like a child and I hope that your future games go a similar way.


Ok since you obviously watched a replay of a completely different game: I will go turn by turn for you from the replay that I just watched.

Turn 1: I get a blitz knock your player down (stunned) and fail a GFI (spent a RR on that). You then go WA with your mino and then get a bunch of pushes on hits...knocking down 3 of my players (1 stun; 2 no armor breaks). You also make a dodge, a ball pick-up and a GFI, with no fails. I then do 2 hits, 1st is a stun and 2nd is on the ball carrier. I make a GFI on that last hit and RR a push skull into a double both down turn-over.

Turn 2: You then do some moving around and do several hits, knocking 2 down and both were stunned. No failed dice on anything. I then knock a guy down and get a MNG on him. Make 1 GFI to knock down the ball carrier (no armor break), then make 2 GFI's with a TG for positioning. Do an uphill block against your ogre with turn-over dice. THIS IS THE SECOND TURN IN A ROW WITH A TURN OVER ENDING THE TURN FOR ME.

Turn 3: You do some moving around and positioning, then fail the pick up of the ball and use a RR to pick it up. Then make 2 dodges with your DE, 1 of those into a tackle zone. Then you get a 1 die yellow and a KO on that hit and then make another dodge. I then hit a guy and roll turnover block dice with a skull, both down and use a RR to take that piece out with a KO. I do a couple more hits and pushes, then take 1 guy down with no armor break, then blitz a guy and KO him, then take a big guy down with a stun. Then uphill your troll with a blitz-ra with a skull for the turnover. 3 TURNS IN A ROW ENDED IN A TURNOVER FOR ME.

Turn 4: You then KO a skeleton, move some pieces around and do a GFI blitz to take down a blitz-ra with no armor break, then make another gfi with that piece and fail it AND CHOOSE NOT TO RR IT WITH 2 RR's STILL IN YOUR BANK. Yes you had a turn over here, BECAUSE YOU CHOSE TO! I then move pieces down to put pressure on the ball and blitz a guy and KO him. Then I 2 assist foul for a stun and don't get caught. Then I make a dodge with a blitz-ra from the troll. FIRST TURN I DON'T END IN A TURNOVER.

Turn 5: You decide to score because of my pressure. KO, we both get a bribe. I take the first 2 guys down with MB hits and pile on as well and fail to break armo with all 4 hits. Stun a guy on my next hit, move some pieces around and do a 3 assisted foul and stun the piece, but get caught. The bribe works. Then fail the first pick-up but sure hands RR succeeds.

Turn 6: You move players, do a blitz with the Mino and get 4 pushes. MY FIRST BLOCK WITH A TG IS DOUBLE SKULLS!!! You are already wrong from your replay assessment, which makes me think that you are a pathological liar or you watched a different games replay. I RR and stun the piece. I knock the Mino down no armor break. Do another hit with no take down, then on a 1 die block I turnover and KO myself.

Turn 7: You then break armor on a blit-ra with a stun, make a dodge, then a GFI to blitz the ball carrier. Get a push/skull (what I got in turn 1) and you RR to take the ball carrier down with a stun. Then you take the other ball carrier down. You then make a dodge. Then with your stunty goblin, you make 2 dodges, fail the 3rd, but make the 4th with your dodge RR, and then fail the pick-up in 1 tackle zone for a turn over. I then take a guy down with MB and pile on and fail both armor breaks. Do some more hits and stun a guy, pushing all of the others.

Turn 8: First hit with Mino, you roll turn-over block dice with double both downs, make the loner roll and get double push, then on the frenzy hit you turn-over with both down and skull. Your first true turnover dice on turn 8. That hit only breaks the mino's armor and stuns my skeleton. I take a guy down with no armor break. Then take your DE down with MB and pile on and don't break armor on either hit.

Recap of first half clearly shows that you had the better dice. You did have a few turnover dice that you easily RR'd and one that you chose not to RR. Only 1 set of true turnover dice. I had turns end on 4 true turn-overs (2 of which with 2 die uphill blocks). AND I HAD 1 DOUBLE SKULL! KO rolls in the first half were: YOU: 2-4; ME: 3-6

A note about the first half. You made 3 big guy rolls every turn (WA, BH, RS and only failed 1...the very first move with the mino.

Second Half: Turn 1: KO you get a free RR. First hit no take down. 2nd hit with MB and pile on fail both armor rolls. 3rd hit, MNG. 4th hit no take down. 5th hit no armor break. Move some guys around, then double fail the pick-up. You move guys around. Don't break armor on the first hit, but KO the 2nd. Then your last hit stuns a skeleton.

Turn 2: first hit with 3 dice is double skull and both down (but I did have block on that TG, so no turnover). Blitz the DE and fail the first armor break then pile on and BH, which you use the Apo on to get him back later on. Things turn for you and go downhill from here. I take another down and don't break armor. Then I BH the mino and then make the pick-up. By this point you are botching about the armor breaks and casualty dice like crazy and I agree that they are starting to turn in my favor for sure. You then move some guys around and try to blitz the ball carrier with a Break Tackle big guy into 2 tackle zones and fail and then fail the loner. YOUR SECOND TRUE TURNOVER.

Turn 3: My first hit, niggle. 2nd hit no armor break. move guys around, then blitz and no armor break. move more around and then BH my last hit. Last move is to 1 assist foul your ogre and fail on the armor break, but don't get caught. You dodge and move an assist in place, Then dodge again and make 2 GFI's to blitz the ball carrier, take him down and KO him. Then you fail your first Bone head.

Turn 4: My first hit, no armor break. 2nd hit no take down. 3rd hit, fail the armor break, then pile on for a stun. 4th hit take down on 2nd frenzy hit and fail the first armor break, but BH on the pile on. Blitz the goblin and don't take him down, then pick up the ball. I hit my last guy and take him down with no armor break. Then I make 1 GFI. You blitz with no take down, then dodge and foul and KO a blitz-ra, but get caught and make the bribe roll.

Turn 5: I move some guys, then 1st hit, nothing. 2nd hit no armor break. Then you fail a bone head, make a dodge.

Turn 6: I move around, don't take down on the first hit, then mke 2 gfi's to take the goblin down and don't break armor on the first MB hit, but KO on the pile on. Move more pieces around, make a gfi to foul and KO the piece with out getting caught. You make a Break Tackle blitz and don't break armor. Then dodge into a tackle zone and fail RR fail.

Tunr 7: I move pieces around and take a guy down on the blitz but don't break armor. I score to tie. KO Rolls: YOU: 2-3; ME: 2-4 KO event Throw a rock hits me and stuns me. You move guys around, 1st hit BH's me I regen. You bonehead again then make a pick-up.

Turn 8: I move a bunch of guys in position, then blitz the DE and fail both MB armor break hits on him. Do another MB hit with no armor break. You use the wizard for the bolt to try and help free the only piece that can score and roll a 1 on the bolt. Then you bonehead again (your BH is finally catching up to you by now). Try a long pass into 2 tackle zones and fail.

KO Rolls before OT: YOU: 0-1; ME: 3-3

OverTime, you win the toss and receive (BTW YOU WON BOTH COIN TOSSES AS WELL). Pitch numbers are 11-6 KHE (or me). KO is a free RR for you. 1st block nothing. 2nd block no armor break. Bonehead. 3rd block no armor break. You dodge with the DE and blitz, get a push skull, that you RR into a skull, skull. At this point, I tell you that karma is a bitch and was getting you back for the asshat move on the bitching to me about taking 2 minutes to set-up for the OT kick off. I move guys around. 1st hit fail to break armor with MB on the hit and the pile on.

Next turn: you bonehead again. 1st hit fail to knock down. Then fail the pick-up. My first hit stun. 2nd hit smashed ankle. 3rd and 4th hit is no armor breaks on the take downs. move more guys around.

Next turn you dodge, blitz and no take down, then pick the ball up in a tackle zone and make 2 dodges to get free. My 1st hit on goblin, is a stun, ball is free. Then I stun the Ogre, fail to break armor on another piece and then 3 assist foul the ogre with another stun and don't get caught.

Next turn you dodge into a tackle zone blitz and BH me, and I regen. My turn I move guys around and blitz your DE and fail to break armor on the first hit and KO on the second, then score to win.

So, yes I had better dice in the 2nd and in OT, you had better dice in the first. I only rolled 1 actual double skull. The second that I remembered was when I rolle 3 dice and it was double skull and a both down. That is where I remembered seeing double skulls for me the 2nd time. You never failed a RS roll, ended up failing several BH rolls and only failed 1 WA roll (although you didn't have your Mino after turn 10 or so).

So in response to your 5 points.

1. I had 4 turnovers in the 1st half...not 1 (2 of which were 2 die uphill blocks).

2. You had 1 true TO on the double both downs on the Mino. The GFI you chose to be a TO when you could've RR's it.

3. I have already proved there were 2 double skulls...one by you and one by me.

4. Since we can't review the chat and you remember the chat differently than I do, we will agree to disagree here. Although I have already proved that you are a liar from the complete game log above where you were wrong on several accounts after you "Checked the replay." I am fairly certain that I never complained about the dice in the first and only made one comment that was that you had the better dice in the first.

5. I took 2 - 2 1/2 minutes to set-up and it was the start of OT. You should never give your opponent grief about taking time to set-up in a meaningful tournament match at the start of any half, let alone OT. You have apologized here and I accept that and that you were frustrated. I get that completely. We've all had dice games like that, so I don't hold this one against you.


I'm going to respond to 1 thing only in your last comment and then I am done. I NEVER said that I was "giving you the game." I have never said that one time in over 2000 BB matches. First, I would never just give up and give a game away and second, I would never actually state that I'm giving away the game, especially in the first half. The rest speaks for itself. GL in your future matches and I hope the next time we meet, I "dice" you even worse...because it seems very easy to get under your skin...haha
Player Performances

#5 Kefft the Despised II – Smashed Knee (NI)
#9 Ruddog Ironhead II – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#10 Gragarth Samson III – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#11 Jurgen Demonfeeder III – Smashed Hand (MNG)
Grotty Tourney 1st round match.
Total dicing.

Heard far too much about how "lucky" i was in the first half, I got 0 cas, two ko's who woke up and scored one td.

Second half my team was destroyed in two turns.
Then i had to endure a very long 2nd half and overtime of unwinnable playing it out, while my opponent explained that i had been very lucky in the first half.

Pretty much as not fun as a game of fumbbl can be.

Grats on the win TheSpydyr.

The dice were never in my favour, even in the first half. Blitz! against, then unable to protect the ball, saved by lucky dice on one turn but then the ball knocked loose again next turn when my team is still out of position, then had to use a rr to recover the ball and had to score early because of a turnover. All while i was barely able to even knock anybody over let alone cause any damage to your soft av7 team. Also the ref favoured the Khemri and my Big Guys had one of their worst games ever.

My team is also made to cause some damage, 150+ casualties in 41 games. But i got none until far too late in this particular dicing. So sounds like our teams were in a dead heat until you got 8 cas in this dicing and pulled into the lead in casualties.

I just hope that in the next round the dice really do go against you so you can know what it feels like and maybe you won't be making so many stupid comments in a close game just because you had a bad roll on ONE FREAKING TURN.

Checked the replay because i remember it very differently, turns out you are wrong on several counts.

1. You had one turnover in the first half, when you rolled double both down.

2. I had two turnovers in the first half, double both down on Mino and failed gfi.

3. You rolled 0 double skulls in this match, first and only double skull of the game was by me in overtime.

4. You moaned about dice at least 4 or 5 times, first time when you rolled the double both down and again when I sacked your ball carrier when you said you were giving away the win. Then a couple more times you said that the dice were all going my way. When you said it again at the end of the half it was at least the fourth time and i was tired of hearing it especially because dice were pretty even to that point.

5. You took several minutes to setup when it was 11 vs. 6, i felt you were being slow on purpose but i may have overreacted due to frustration with a very bad game. I am sorry I made that comment, I should have just stayed quiet at that point as i was extremely annoyed.

Hahahaha, i cannot tell if you are just winding me up.

Yeah i missed those last player on your team turn ending -2d blocks and 1d block. I missed them because every player on your team got to move every turn.

That is the turnovers you are talking about? When you decided to throw a -2d block with no re-roll instead of just ending turn? And they count but my gfi doesn't because I could have re-rolled. Well you could have ended turn instead of throwing -2d blocks with no re-roll.

Three of the four turnovers you keep holding up as evidence were the result of unnecessary -2d/1d blocks, so we both only had one legit turnover by your method of determining which should count. If you count all turnovers then it was 4-2.

And the "at least two sets of double skulls" was actually just one set that you re-rolled?

And you have the gall to call ME a liar?

You have a very biased way of looking at the game and calling me a liar when your own assessment of the game is no more true then mine is not cool.

1. You had 1 true turnover, as you chose to roll -2d blocks with no rr.
2. I had 1 true turnover, as i chose not to rr the gfi.
3. I had the only double skulls that counted, you rr'd one.
4. Not going to stoop to name calling but you made several comments about "giving me the game" or something similar when you had a turnover and when i sacked your ball carrier. These first comments didn't involve luck or dice. Then closer to the end of the half or start of 2nd half you made two more comments about me having better dice for the 1st half.

I stand by my assessment that the first half dice were quite even or slightly in your favour.
You were lucky to get blitz and then i was lucky when you rolled the double both-down. Then i got a few ko's, but they came back and you got a casualty and a couple ko's. I got my td and we both got to start 2nd half with a full team. I had one casualty and one ko and you just had one ko.

It was definitely not what i had hoped for at the start of the game.


HHAHAHAHA YES YOU DID, I suppose you just made no comments at all when rolling double both downs?
You have made several claims that were proved false, so this is just another one.
We both know that after this totally one sided dicing, next time we meet the dice will be mine. I just won't whine about the dice as much as you did.

Funny to look at how totally one sided the dice were with CandleJacks dice stats and see you still trying to claim that your dice were as bad as mine.

LOL you are a funny guy TheSpyder
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Stat generation code provided by Candlejack