CTV 1530k Skaven

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Tomb Kings CTV 1490k

14000 (1 FAME)

#4 Zloos Tharlo VII – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#10 Talus Sneer – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#17 Duane Goldfield – Fractured Skull (-AV)
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We start off with a lot of dodging around the pitch which went well and Snutz gets the first TD.
With a long kick we thought we could hold on till half-time but some strong and consistent Khemri hitting followed by a key blitz dodge fail by Hugruck and then skeletons pulling off a handoff left us disappointed at 1-1.
With the relentless takedowns we were left with just 7 players for the 2nd half but we did another long kick and a perfect defence. Zloos was taken down but sidestepped mistakenly. This led to a foul and he had his hip smashed! We were still then able to hassle the Undead things until Hugruck could blitz out their ball carrier, Headcrusher cas'd another skele and Skeetz scooped up the lose ball. He was surrounded but a wrestler freed space and Skeetz escapes for our 2nd TD. Despite the low numbers it looked good for us.
This time we kicked short and the Khemri do a good job of making their TD. More rat were cas'd and ko'd. Then none of the 4 ko'd Skaven returned! Suddenly we had only 3 players to use. A disaster and Ritz Dits had to run back to get near the ball but he tripped over next to it! The skeles run forward. Here I almost picked up with Ritz Ditz before running to the endzone but thinking the lead skele had no block I instead blitzed him. He had block and it was both down! Ritz was pushed aside and the cursed skele picked up and dashed into the endzone to score at the last second! The bewildered Raiders see the result disappear somehow.
In our brief final setup Headcrusher shows his rage by destroying a skeleton.