“Must confess, had been kind of dreading this match due to my ogre and thrower both being out, but it turned out okay: the boys were experienced enough to stand up to the Norse in the predictable blockathon and the dice went their way, leaving the Norse outnumbered and the Dominators fairly firmly in command of the situation. One more turn and it would've been 2-0.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the Norse coach had bad dice, but another re-roll would probably have done wonders for his cause.
(Have just realised this result means I have won two games of BB in a row. Must go and lie down for a bit and check the Book of Revelations to see if this is mentioned as a sign of the impending apocalypse. If so, sorry everyone.)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the Norse coach had bad dice, but another re-roll would probably have done wonders for his cause.
(Have just realised this result means I have won two games of BB in a row. Must go and lie down for a bit and check the Book of Revelations to see if this is mentioned as a sign of the impending apocalypse. If so, sorry everyone.)”