CTV 1790k Goblin
70k (-10000)
17000 (2 FAME)
Ogre CTV 1290k+490k
Inducements: 1 wizard, 1 bloodweiser keg, Star player Grotty, Star player Brick Far'th
#5 Secrecy (II) – Serious Concussion (-AV)
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Ogres for the Southern Wastes. Intimidation and Extortion were tried at first, the primary repeatedly working better on Goblins. Kickbacks wouldn't pass, Brick intercepted one of the others and Heran saw the apothecary working to put Kickbacks back in the game rather than in the grave.
Extortion took care of their runaway, before Heran took care of him, and a Wizard bolted Nepotism down. Conspiracy kept taking down Ogres, but the little ones shuffled the ball away and scored in our half, as Corruption couldn't drag the last one down in time.
Anarchy was unleashed for the second, smashed the wall of Ogre, Guarded the ball in the midst of them, and lead Conspiracy to take it away. Lurbuck cleaned that up, but couldn't get to the ball and Thieving was away with it. Slowly they reeled him in, Anarchy having a time of it, but he was dodgy enough to score anyway.
Their last gasp? They built a wall for the throw, and it was all we could do to make the landing difficult for that Grotty little Goblin traitor, which was enough for the tie. But for the backfiring of Intimidation, not a good plan when we already have the ball!