CTV 1990k+540k Vampire

40k (-20000)

Inducements: 1 wizard, Star player Count Luthor Von Drakenborg
Dark Elf CTV 2560k
20k (-60000)


#4 Briansson – Dead (RIP)
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Commentary of the final moments below.
You join us here sports fans in the dieing seconds of this match. With the score tied at one all the Highland Lords have just managed to sack the ball carrier but slipped on the ice trying to dodge away with the ball.
With the ball swiftly being swallowed by the snow what can the vipers do?
Count Luthor looks at the melee and slams into a Dark Elf blitzer, pushing a vamp next to the ball.
Countess Munchie runs into the endzone. To score or seek out a postgame feast we do not know.
Duke Mcbitey dodges and grabs the ball, struggling to see in the howling blizzard.
Runs forward barely making out a glowing figure in the endzone.
He can't see clearly enough...
Just one little bit further...
He pushes himself forwards, the blood lust strong in his throat. His iron will forces it aside. Blood after victory he cries into the storm.
There, he sees Countess Munchie.
Everything slows
A hush falls over the crowd.....
His arm goes back and the ball spirals through the air, sparkling as crystals of ice form around it.
The Dark elves turn in despair
Countess Munchie waits patiently, she knows this is her moment.
The ball sways as a strong gust of frozen air hits it. Will it find the target?
Suddenly the blizzard intensifies. No one can see a thing.
Then in the whiteness a single noise is heard.
A laugh colder than the blizzard raging in the stadium.
As the storm recedes, the crowd and players all strain their eyes. There, glowing in the dusk is the Countess spinning the ball nonchalantly on a perfectly manicured nail.
Touchdown Vipers! Rings across the stadium.
An amazing game to finish the season for the Vipers. Hurry back to division 1 letshavefun.