“One of the more spectacular Goblin implosions I've had the pleasure to witness, even if it was my own team. Actually, considering that hardly anyone got pulverised and the frequency that two-dice negative blocks didn't result in the Gobbo ending up flattened (was forced to make heavy use of Unstoppable Goblin Blitzes in an optimistic attempt to impede Dwarf ball-carriers) I can't say my dice were that bad throughout the match - I even came over all competitive when it looked like I had a chance of getting the ball down the pitch via TTM at one point. But not to be, obviously.
Still, a fun game, considering the utterly shambolic team performance, and there were no teddy-out-the-pram moments from either coach no matter how weird the dice got. (I have to say my opponent was more generous than I would've been, mainly because he wanted to see a OTTD via TTM. He should just have checked out a replay of one of this team's wins)”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Still, a fun game, considering the utterly shambolic team performance, and there were no teddy-out-the-pram moments from either coach no matter how weird the dice got. (I have to say my opponent was more generous than I would've been, mainly because he wanted to see a OTTD via TTM. He should just have checked out a replay of one of this team's wins)”