“Turn 1: blitz against. fanatic rolls both down/skull, re-rolled into skull/push back, towards a second block with both down/skull again. 0-1 down.
Turn 2: fanatic rolls both down/skull re-rolled into the exact same thing.
By turn 3, 0-2 down. :s
Short to say, the dice were not kind for the little green guys this match.
However, I did manage to double their total amount of TDs scored... in their seventh game. *sighs*...
Congrats to Toth. Do take care, cause games as easy as this one won't come along anytime soon again. :D”
Turn 2: fanatic rolls both down/skull re-rolled into the exact same thing.
By turn 3, 0-2 down. :s
Short to say, the dice were not kind for the little green guys this match.
However, I did manage to double their total amount of TDs scored... in their seventh game. *sighs*...
Congrats to Toth. Do take care, cause games as easy as this one won't come along anytime soon again. :D”