“Arduous first half in which both teams gave as good as they got; ending with 2-1 to the Long Legs, High Thighs.
I apo'ed a cather in the first half who took a Badly Hurt, and I feel like it was the correct decision competitively; if not long term. Other than that I got a Badly hurt on a skink, and KO/Stunfest.
In the second half I held the defense until turn 6/7 at which point a lot of 5+ were rolled; a skink fetched the ball in 1(maybe2) tacklezones, and threw it from there in a long bomb to another skink, who caught it.
On the next turn I blitzed the skink to no avail and my attempts at covering it further were shut down by double skulls. Turn 8 equaliser.
(I tried a 1ttd but my thrower failed to pick up the ball)
Overall a good game and a good first attempt at Elves. I don't think I made game-losing mistakes so much as I found minor play improvements.”
I apo'ed a cather in the first half who took a Badly Hurt, and I feel like it was the correct decision competitively; if not long term. Other than that I got a Badly hurt on a skink, and KO/Stunfest.
In the second half I held the defense until turn 6/7 at which point a lot of 5+ were rolled; a skink fetched the ball in 1(maybe2) tacklezones, and threw it from there in a long bomb to another skink, who caught it.
On the next turn I blitzed the skink to no avail and my attempts at covering it further were shut down by double skulls. Turn 8 equaliser.
(I tried a 1ttd but my thrower failed to pick up the ball)
Overall a good game and a good first attempt at Elves. I don't think I made game-losing mistakes so much as I found minor play improvements.”