“So the Los Angeles Chargers broke the unbeaten streak of Rolling All the 1's.
This game wasn't so much about me rolling ones, but lacking any sort of coherent plan to deal with the guarding Dwarves and letting myself get sucked into a battle of attrition in the first half - I just couldn't break the ball free. The Los Angeles Chargers swarmed over me beating and attacking me into submission through good positioning and use of the skills his players had.
My second half was better I managed to start picking my blocks and so on better but after the first half this was more damage limitation than anything else.
Also I suck at using the assassin.
Ultimately I'm glad that my team came out relatively unscathed my apo saving a blitzer's life, my opponents lack of mighty blow on the many injury rolls he made and the only retired player being the aforementioned assassin that I struggle to use.
6-SPPs from a game including the MVP on the now retired assassin :-(”
This game wasn't so much about me rolling ones, but lacking any sort of coherent plan to deal with the guarding Dwarves and letting myself get sucked into a battle of attrition in the first half - I just couldn't break the ball free. The Los Angeles Chargers swarmed over me beating and attacking me into submission through good positioning and use of the skills his players had.
My second half was better I managed to start picking my blocks and so on better but after the first half this was more damage limitation than anything else.
Also I suck at using the assassin.
Ultimately I'm glad that my team came out relatively unscathed my apo saving a blitzer's life, my opponents lack of mighty blow on the many injury rolls he made and the only retired player being the aforementioned assassin that I struggle to use.
6-SPPs from a game including the MVP on the now retired assassin :-(”