CTV 2030k+350k Orc

40k (-20000)
20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 wizard, Card Blatant Foul, Card Greased Shoes, Card Pit Trap
Dark Elf CTV 2410k
60k (-50000)


No change
#8 Dog Boy – Fractured Arm (MNG)
#2 Bhaishajyaguru VII – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First round BYE, that's cool. 2nd round, opponent came from a bracket where he got advanced on a forfeit but both coaches had been offline for at least 3 days at the time of the forfeit. The admins picked the wrong coach as that knucklehead is still offline 9 freaking days later. So we make it to the final, that's good right? WRONG!
WTE capped off by the WORST GAME EVER!
Seriously, we threw 41 blocks and maybe had 10 POWs and 5 armor breaks. Piling On never did anything more than turn a stun into a stun. Apo failed, and darkies were breaking orc armor every other POW. Which they had plenty of. Seriously, I don't think they failed a single die roll the entire match except when they got greedy farming SPPs. And even then nuffle didn't punish them. I was on tilt after the WORST TURN EVER! where all I did was push elves around and then watched my wizard do nothing more than push over a few elves. Just nothing but 15 turns of complete and utter frustration because we even got a Riot to start the 2nd half.
This is the least fun I have ever had playing Blood Bowl in 25 years and that is no exaggeration. I can't wait until the dice stats upload on this match so I can see just how unbelievably one-sided it was. I hope my opponent gets my dice in his next match.
Footnote - this was my 900th game in Ranked and 1299th game in R/B combined. I should stop playing tournaments on milestone games. It never ends well.”