CTV 1700k Norse

No change

Lizardmen CTV 1640k+50k

20000 (1 FAME)

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
#4 Lucky Linehardt III – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#13 Drone IX – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The ensuing drive saw Trollodney and Aksel create some nightmare positioning against the lizards which left them unable to strike at the ball as Mordechai easily trotted to the endzone. Still, a turn 8 blitz on a side-stepping skink was needed to tie the game.
The second half saw Quinel take a similar path into the endzone, with much less resistance, as Trollodney made it his mission to take down saurus after saurus.
The game was locked up pretty well, until an ill advised defensive shift allowed the reptilian team a chance to push their star skink into scoring position. All the same, the match was a blast.
There was however, a moment when Trollodney took on Kor head on, and the lizards all held their breath. For a brief moment, the Super Star lizard lay dead on the field, and the lizard fans dreaded the future they faced without him. Fortunately the Apothecary was on his game, and Kor would live to see another match.
Despite the score, the Norsemen were granted the honor of victory after the match by coach Bazakastine.
Good game, I look forward to the next”