CTV 1300k+150k Chaos Renegade

No change

Inducements: Star player Ugroth Bolgrot, Card Good Old Magic Codpiece
Norse CTV 1470k

15000 (1 FAME)

#6 Erik – Pinched Nerve (MNG)
#2 Bjorn – Serious Concussion (-AV)
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I take Ugroth Bolgrot as usual in my owcc games ( or so far ) , Card Good Old Magic Codpiece go to my minautor ( uh uh )
First half !
The norse receive , the game start on hard level , got some Ko a player bannished for fouling and one wound agaisnt me , and the norse have piercing my defense and ot the ball no so far of the line ..but a turnover and a magistral pass to my minautor who's stay on the los stop the td attempt ...just in time ! But Nuffle is versatile and tack back the ball , go to td on their 8 turn...my turn was nothing ..the ball is away and my gobelin renegade have a discusion with a norse !!
second half
My reception turn was a disaster , i cant take the ball..norse come quickly and take a second td in turn 10..
I take my turn and reception on turn 11 and make some damage ont the Vargs line...the norse have made some tentative to take MY BALL..but my courageous little gobo renegade take his way and run to the promise land on turn 14...Nothing happen more in the last few turns , and i lost the game 2/1....
TAke a breath and have a positive think ...the wounds !! ( 5/2/0 for me and 2/0/0 for Arcayn ) ..yeah , we are evils ...but i must take more care of da ball ..and play with 3 big guys is not so good sometime
A great thanx for My Adversary ..Arcayn , he make a great game and support the wounds stoicly , and again my apologies ..my internet line is really bad and i dont know if i can or not have this game ... But we did it , and it's over !
I wish to Arcayn good luck for next game in the plate and have a beer for me
see ya on the pitch..