CTV 2100k Necromantic Horror

70k (-30000)
20000 (1 FAME)
No change

Ogre CTV 2090k
20k (-30000)


No change
#1 Lord Otranto – Dead (RIP)
#6 Ambrosio the Mad Monk – Serious Concussion (-AV)
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OMG WTF BBQ! This was one ugly game. We started with a Blitz!, then got all sorts of out-of-position because I couldn't read the S6 and S7 Ogres I had marked. Ambrosio the Mad Monk got clobbered by the LONE Tackle player for the Ogres. Because of course I left him there for a foul assist I never got to make. A lot of ugliness, stupidity and hilarity (depending on your POV) ensued, and I thought the Ogres were going to score. Then Bone Head happened at a crucial moment and I got a shot on the ballcarrier with my lone remaining wolf (Ulfhednar). Cavigni failed a dodge and joined his brother in the dugout (KO box vs. CAS box) for the rest of the game. We barely managed to score. 2nd half started with an Ogre Blitz but the ball went out of bounds. Ulfhednar holed up waiting for an opening, and another failed Bonehead provided it. But then I went Bonehead and failed to see the Break Tackle/Grab Ogre that could reach Ulfhednar on the sideline. Where he was supposed to be out of everyone's reach I might add. Ulfhednar got surfed, ball bounced friendly and a snot picked it up. One last chance to stop them, and Marquis Ferdinand came through. Some more stuff happened that I can't remember, but somehow the Ogres ended up with a BT Ogre next to the ball and within range of the endzone. Only hope was a zombie dodge, and whaddayaknow - it worked. Then a bunch more Bone Heads happened to secure the victory. All in all, both teams suffered some pretty bad dice at pretty awful times, but only I lost any players. Good ones, too. Lord Otranto died on a stupid -2 die block that I never should have taken. I'm not sure why I did it, but there are a lot of things I'm not sure why I did tonight. I was pretty distracted with stuff going on in RL, but still.
I was just happy to finally fill my grid with Ogres. Thanks for that, PaddyMick. Now my TV might be low enough to actually get a game against Goblins.
Epilogue - oh yea, I forgot to mention that every regen roll failed and ALL 4 of our KO rolls failed to come back. Cause, you know, nuffle. ”