CTV 1630k High Elf

21000 (2 FAME)

Shambling Undead CTV 1670k


No change
#7 Josip Skoko – Dead (RIP)
#10 Ivan Perišic – Dead (RIP)
#7 Dean Killy II – Dead (RIP)
#10 Robert Page VI – Fractured Leg (MNG)
#15 Arthur Paine – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The match started with a kick of Hajduk. Drazen Muzinic take an affort to hit deep into Bury'ds zone, hoping that a misshanding at the pick would bring some additional run-down-time to the clock. The kick was great landing in the TD zones, but the elflike ghoul handeled the ball (also during the complete game) very good.
First hits were given and sold to Hajduk, so that Bury'd outnumbert Blitz quite fast at some positions. Well, but that's what elves are used to. Taking the action point Hlevnjak sacked Danny and opend the possibity for Aljosa to show what a true legend do.
Never the less the position was not easy to hold and David proved the he "was" a Nigerian national player! First sacking Asanovic and then tackling him before he could leave the TZ and pass to the score-ready Hlevnjak.
Danny took the oppurtunity to show again his quality and even Ivan Perisic tried to stop him heroicly, this time he wasn't stopable! LEAD by 1 for Bury'd. Just one round left, but for Hajduk a big one. Killy (by Perisic, who was later killed also) and Page were taken out.
Second half, Hajduk is attaking, good kick lenghts but high kick event. Blitz got some preasure and had to score by Peri to early, given Bury'd the best chance for the winning score!
Kicker out and just few players left, Bury'd decided to run down their left wing. Danny took again the oppurtunity, good ball handling but Baka (Blaz Sliskovic) used the small space for a stong hit (1d Blitz vs Blodge w/o takle) and succed. The ball scatter into the audiance and afterwards nearby the "King of Air". Aljosa proved again his great capabilities to prepare the final punch and passed a long bomb to Perisic, giving him the possibility for the second TD.
Guess, Peri left alone (blodge, and the only tackler far away) and Hajduk's manager belived in moment, but Bury'D showed real spirit and stoped him by killing him. Again Hlevnjak showed what Hajduk's player learn from theri small.
As Aljosa, this time not passing but blocking, free Ivica by a nice crowd hit and gave him the opportunity to score for the winner!
Last but not least Bury'd had their small chance to eglize with OTT, but they we short by just one square.
As a resume: It was a tense game with bloody inpacts. Hajduk and Bury'd lost 2 players. At leats Bury'd was able to recute Josip Skoko (Blodge lino).
Wishing to Ady very best and good luck to this team.
For me the man of the match was Hlevjnak. Perisic scored a TD made a kill but was also killed.
Remarkable note: Raundig made his 4th kill in the past 5 games.