CTV 1350k Dark Elf

No change

Orc CTV 1270k+60k


Inducements: Star player Bomber Dribblesnot
#4 Damon – Smashed Hip (-MA)
#6 Levanor – Dead (RIP)
#14 Fastarani – Dead (RIP)
#16 Galadriel – Broken Jaw (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First, some hooligan throws a stone, nearly killing Dr. Fist, then the evil elves kick the ball nearly out of the pitch, only barely leaving it in, and then only after some blocking on the line of scrimmage, the elves try to circle the Dorcs, but fail at running and break their hips.
While the match was intended to be a quite friendly unfriendly, the elves needed to be stopped from surrounding the not as agile orcs. In the process some of them got seriously injured, some others more.
Still, the first score was quite shaky due to a failed hand-off, picking up in a tackle zone and then dodging.
Afterwards, the game got even more deadly.
After a riot, that the elves failed to notice, the second half started.
First off, the elves caught a bomb that an unknown goblin fugitive threw.
He seems to have ursurped the place of an orc and was not found after the game.
After a quick, safe, and easy score of the elves, won by stepping on some more toes and, in the case of Mr. Fine Man, getting send off for stumbling over an elf that was lying on the ground.
Nevertheless a rather lucky win, that could have been easier with better positioning.”