CTV 1100k Nurgle (CIBBL)
Inducements: 1 bribe
Araby (CIBBL) CTV 970k+110k
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Helmut Wulf
#5 Zilox – Gouged Eye (MNG)
#7 Ghonaz – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#6 Harith Ajam – Broken Jaw (MNG)
#8 Harith Samara – Smashed Ankle (-MA)
#11 Aali Haytham Ahmad – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The alarm was clear in the faces of the match commentators, Aslak had promised them an interview before the match, but hadn't been seen yet.
"Dammit, there he is! In his dug out with his team, don't that moron know he is under contract to participate in these talks!"
But, there was nothing they could do but make a little on air small talk before the game.
And what a game!
It had everything short of an interception. A few of the best highlights:
- Early in the first half saw plenty of the nurgle players taking some unforeseen punishment which culminated in a badly hurt nurgle warrior (which regenerated) and the crowd surfing of a Beast of Nurgle! It was badly hurt in the process, many Araby fans were seen leaving the stadium with a souvenir tentacle around their neck! All of them claiming theirs was the tentacle that had touched their Sheikh. A rotter also left the field in pain, and was later sacked.
- when Mosstail the captain, the magnificent, the mighty!, got his hands on the ball, things started to go downhill for the Araby team. One of the Arabs were outright killed, and to the horror of the fans, rose again to fight for Nurgle, the first Convert! Mosstail eventually made it to the end zone and scored the equalizer.
- 2nd half wasn't much better for the Araby team. More people knocked left and right. But in a mad scrabble for the ball, it eventually ended in the middle of the Araby side. Here Spasmpus showed why he thinks he is THE star. He ran, picked up the ball and pushed himself into the end zone!
A great game saw its close, and while the reporters tried, they again failed to get much from Aslak but this:
"I'll release a statement tomorrow about the winter preparations"
We'll just have to wait...”